Table Top Sticker


Table Top Sticker

Our Project

Table Top Advertisement

We are the New Generation Media Owners that connect advertisers to one of the most effective advertisements spaces with direct engagement to our 5 million unique diners through our Table Top first impression Adspace. Riglobe Media also provides optional services such as design, printing, and installation for our advertisers.

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Our Client

Singtel Logo 200px
ERA 200 px
National Council 200px
Skill Future Logo 200px
DBS Logo 200px
Gobear Logo 200px
Delivero Logo 200px
LTA Logo 200px
Work Fare White New
Hospice New
SG Police Force White New
Nu Fresh Logo White New
CHAS Logo White New
Stroke Hub White New
Wonderfull Indonesia White
Merdeka White
Singtel Power White